Class Structure

Launch classes

Class NameTypeFunction
HeavyInventories.javaInterfaceContains base logic for all classes to use.
ModBootstrap.javaClassDifferentiates the modded environment between client and server.
ModClient.javaClassThe client sided logic of the mod.
ModServer.javaClassThe server sided logic of the mod.
ModBase.javaClassThe common sided logic of the mod. Both ModClient and Mod Server inherit from this class.

The ModBootstrap class is seen by NeoForge as the main class file since it contains the @Mod annotation. The sole function of this class is to delegate whether the mod is in a client environment or server environment and uses a switch to load either the Client or Server. It is done this way so there is no interpolating conflicts between sides.

package superscary.heavyinventories;

import net.neoforged.bus.api.IEventBus;
import net.neoforged.fml.ModContainer;
import net.neoforged.fml.common.Mod;
import net.neoforged.fml.loading.FMLEnvironment;

public class ModBootstrap {

    public ModBootstrap (IEventBus modEventBus, ModContainer modContainer) {
        switch (FMLEnvironment.dist) {
            case CLIENT -> new ModClient(modEventBus, modContainer);
            case DEDICATED_SERVER -> new ModServer(modEventBus, modContainer);


Data Flow

ModBootstrap is the first to be called by the mod launcher, which it then differentiates between a modded client or server. The client and server java files inherit from the abstract class ModBase which creates the common logic needed to create data files.

   flowchart LR;> |Client|;> |Server|;>Client_Logic[Client Logic];<-->;>Server_Logic[Server Logic];<-->;>Common_Logic[Common Logic];